Ukraine returned relic of Prince Svyatoslav the Brave. Archon Svyatoslav

Ukraine returned relic that belonged to Kiev Rus Prince Svyatoslav Igorovych (the Brave).
Artifact - seal, dating from the tenth century, this is a personal thing of Prince Svyatoslav. 
The stamp depicts bidentate, which is the prototype of Ukrainian trident, seal made of lead.
From today stamp is stored in Kiev and will be studied by scientists

"This bilateral a lead seal which is depicted on both sides the sign of Svyatoslav.
Every of Prince had own individual sign the sign of Svyatoslav Igorovych (the Brave) is bi-dent.
His son Vladimir Svyatoslavovych, who added a third tooth to bi-dent, in such way he has created trident  that is now the state emblem of Ukraine. This modified sign of his father "- said senior researcher of the Institute of Archeography and Source Studies named after Mikhail Hrushevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleg Odnorozhenko

According to preliminary data, the seal found at Old Kiev Hill in late 1982, since the seal was gone. 
The story of the return kept secret. For public the artifact will be present in about a month.


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