Ukraine returned relic that belonged to Kiev Rus Prince Svyatoslav Igorovych (the Brave ). Artifact - seal , dating from the tenth century, this is a personal thing of Prince Svyatoslav. T he stamp depicts bidentate , which is the prototype of Ukrainian trident, seal made of lead. From today stamp is stored in Kiev and will be studied by scientists . "This bilateral a lead seal which is depicted on both sides the sign of Svyatoslav. Every of Prince had own individual sign the sign of Svyatoslav Igorovych (the Brave) is bi-dent. His son Vladimir Svyatoslavovych , who added a third tooth to bi-dent, in such way he has created trident that is now the state emblem of Ukraine . This modified sign of his father " - said senior researcher of the Institute of Archeography and Source Studies named after Mikhail Hrushevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleg Odnorozhenko . According to preliminary dat...