Turkish airline opens Flights from Kherson to Istanbul, London, Zurich etc
Turkish airline opens Flights from Kherson to London, Istanbul, Zurich etc. " Turkish Airlines » (Turkish Airlines) started pre-sell tickets for flights between Istanbul and Ukrainian Kherson on 15 October . "Turkish Airlines" will operate flights between Istanbul and Kherson four times a week - on Wednesdays, Fridays , Saturdays and Sundays , departing from Istanbul at 12:35 , departure at 15:15 from Kherson . The flight time from Istanbul to Kherson is 1 hour 40 minutes, and from Kherson in Istanbul - 2 hours 5 minutes . According to the airline , the minimum cost of the ticket for the flight from Istanbul to Kherson in both directions is 1920 USD, and in the opposite direction - 1659 UAH . Please book a flight from Kherson here : At the meeting with journalists Andrei Putilov said he believes the priority revival Kherson airport. - We lost airport in Crimea , - he said. - This service market . Man...