Musical highlights of the summer: June concerts at the capital's Philharmonic


In June, the National Philharmonic of Ukraine ends its concert season. Visitors can expect a rich program: from an introduction to the versatile Mozart to the pure music of Pyart and Sylvestrov, from the monoopera of Vitaly Gubarenko to an evening of vocal music by students of Yevgenia Miroshnichenko. Foreign guests will visit the capital as well: conductor Teodor Kuhar will take up the viola, Spanish conductor Ramon Torrelledo will prepare a program of works by Ukrainian and Spanish composers of the classical era and the 20th century, Hungarian musicians Zofia Baichai and Zalan László Kovacs will demonstrate an unexpected combination of harp and tuba. Symphony No. 3 "Love" will be performed for the first time in Kyiv, written by Lviv composer Bohdana Frolyak and performed according to the new sheet music edition of the works of Borys Lyatoshinsky. Music lovers are also invited to listen to soundtracks to Ukrainian films from different years, American modernist music of the first half of the 20th century, and hits by George Gershwin

June 2 at 7:00 p.m. "Sound and silence" The program of the Kyiv Chamber Orchestra, dedicated to the world-famous composer Arvo Pärt, incorporated the music of listening, purity and light. This concert is a musical presentation of the book "Arvo Pärt: From Silence" by the American Peter Butenev, published in Ukrainian by the publishing house "Dukh i Litera". Five of Pärt's works will be performed, including Greater Antiphons (the premiere in Ukraine), as well as the music of Viktoria Poleva, whose work was influenced by Pärt and "Serenade" and by Pärt's long-time friend Valentin Sylvestrov from his "quiet" period of creativity. Ticket price: UAH 70-400. June 9 at 1:00 p.m. Mozart vs Salieri The stories about Salieri being jealous of Mozart's fame are fiction. In fact, both Austrian composers were successful in their respective fields: Salieri in teaching, Mozart in composition. However, when writing works, both composers used the same classical musical language. Their music can be compared at a concert of the Kyiv Chamber Orchestra with the participation of Iryna Borisova (violin). Ticket price: UAH 80-400. June 20 at 7:00 p.m. "Cook and Soloists" The well-known world conductor and organizer of musical events Teodor Kuhar will come to Kyiv to collaborate with the "Kyiv Soloists" ensemble in an unusual role. This time he will pick up the viola and prove himself as a performer. Bright works of the classical-romantic period are selected for the program, which allow us to trace the evolution of chamber works during this time: composers Stamitz, Mendelssohn, Dvořák and Bloch. Ticket price: UAH 80-400. June 24 at 7:00 p.m. "Renaissance Orchestra" with Ramon Torrelledo The well-known Spanish conductor and musical educator Ramon Torrelledo will work for the first time with the "Renaissance" Chamber Orchestra of the Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic. Together with him, Torrelledo will perform the works of Ukrainian and Spanish composers of the era of classicism and the 20th century. Refinement, energy and sincerity combine this music into a single program and reveal common features between Spanish and Ukrainian musical traditions. Soloists: Diego de Santiago (double bass, Spain) and Natalia Lyashenko (violin, Ukraine). Ticket price: UAH 70-400.

June 7 at 7:00 p.m. Mozart. NFU Symphony Orchestra In the orchestra's new program, three different Mozarts will appear before the audience. One is a 19-year-old young man who breaks out of his father's custody and is full of hopes for the future. It was at this age that he wrote his Violin Concerto No. 3 (Andrii Pavlov will perform the solo), full of light and charm. The other Mozart is a young 31-year-old man who saw life and embodied it in music in its contradictions, combining the eternal and the transient, serious and carefree, as in the overture to the opera "Don Juan". And finally, Mozart, who has no illusions about the world around him. He is aware of the diversity of life, but he is not sure that the light always wins. This is how he appears in "the most tragic work of the entire 18th century" — his Symphony No. 40. Ticket price: UAH 90-450. June 8 at 7:00 p.m. "Love" from Lviv A unique opportunity to hear the Symphony Orchestra of the Lviv National Philharmonic in Kyiv with a special program called "Love". The Kyiv premiere of Symphony No. 3 "Love" by composer Bohdana Frolyak will take place this evening. Also on the program is the bright and dreamy Piano Concerto with Viktor Kosenko's orchestra, which will be performed by pianist Violina Petrychenko, who is bringing Ukrainian piano music back to the stage. Ticket price: UAH 70-400. June 12 at 7:00 p.m. Bortkevich, Smetana, Liszt, Dvorak The concert program of the National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Volodymyr Sirenko is built around Bortkevich's Violin Concerto, which will be performed by the guest musician Mykhailo Zakharov (Ukraine-Austria). Sergey Bortkevycha and Mykhailo Zakharov are united by coincidences of fate: both were born in Kharkiv, and later emigrated abroad. But the circumstances of Bortkevich's departure to Austria were more dramatic: fleeing from the Bolsheviks, he first left for Turkey, and later settled in Vienna, where he quickly integrated into the local musical community. For his concert, the orchestra offers works by Czech and Hungarian composers to fit Bortkiewicz's music into the context of what was being heard at the time: the opera "The Bartered Bride" by Bedřich Smetana, "Preludes" by Ferenc Liszt, symphonic music by Antonin Dvořák were popular and shaped the tastes of Central Europeans in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Ticket price: UAH 80-400. June 21 at 7:00 p.m. "Force of Fate" The Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine will combine the expressiveness of operatic music with the imagery of instrumental music. In addition to symphonic excerpts from the operas of Verdi and Puccini, Mendelssohn's "Scottish" symphony will be played. Written after a visit to Scotland, this music embodies the composer's impression of this country - with its reserved nature, heroic history and warm people. Casella's rhapsody "Italy" is similar in idea, and he strives to convey the spirit of his Motherland in instrumental sounds. Ticket price: UAH 80-450. June 28 Closing concert of the 160th season The theme of the Promethean feat runs through the program of the NFU Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by Mykola Dyadyura - in the fiery works of the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven and the modern Ukrainian author Yevhen Stankovych, full of passion and energy. Each of the authors interprets the act of Prometheus in his own way: for some, his determination and steadfastness weigh, for others, a long path of reasoning and choice. Alongside these works, Mendelssohn's Piano Concerto No. 2 will be performed by the young pianist Oleksandr Fedyurka. In this piece, too, there is an echo of Promethean urges, but it is not so much connected with music as with the history of the creation of the concert. Ticket price: UAH 100-500.
June 11 at 19:00. Duo: tuba & harp. Harp and violin, harp and cello, harp and flute - these combinations are quite common in classical music. However, can you imagine the sound of a light harp together with a powerful tuba? Hungarian musicians Zofia Baichai and Zalan László Kovács played many concerts with such a composition and thereby prove that there are no incredible combinations of instruments. They will perform well-known works by Marais, Handel, Bach, as well as a number of original compositions by Zalan László Kovacs, written for harp and tuba, which will change the listener's perception of these instruments. Ticket price: UAH 70-350. June 15 at 7:00 p.m. "Devoted to love: Olga Bezsmertna, soprano Anna Polishchuk, piano." Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms are representatives of the music of German Romanticism. Both professed the principles of simplicity and emotional expressiveness in music. Schumann, writing an enthusiastic critical article about the young Brahms, gave him a ticket to a professional musical life, and Brahms felt an almost familial attachment to Schumann. Therefore, it is not surprising that their works will sound together. Ticket price: UAH 70-400.

June 13 at 7:00 p.m. Monoopera by Vitaly Gubarenko To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian composer Vitaly Gubarenko, his mono-operas "Love Letters" and "Loneliness" will be performed. Although they are separated by almost two decades, they have a lot in common, in particular, only one singer on stage, which makes them intimate, almost intimate. Both are lyrical, in which the heroes turn to their distant loved ones. National ensemble of soloists "Kyivska camerata", Tetiana Bondar (soprano) and Serhiy Bortnyk (tenor) will perform the works. Ticket price: UAH 80-400. June 14 at 7:00 p.m. "Constellation of Evgenia Miroshnychenko" On the birthday of the outstanding Ukrainian singer Yevgenia Miroshnychenko, her students will go on stage to pay their respects to their teacher. In addition to an intense performing career, Miroshnychenko devoted a lot of time to teaching - she worked at the Kyiv Conservatory for almost thirty years, educating about 90 singers. This evening, Yevgenia Miroshnychenko's students: sopranos Olga Nagorna, Olga Bezsmertna, Tetyana Ganina, Galina Gregorchak, Tamara Khodakova, Tetyana Bondar, Ilona Voloshchuk, Yuliya Fesai, Nataliya Shelepnytska; mezzo-soprano Tetyana Pashkova: tenors Dmytro Ivanchenko, Yuriy Kruglikov, Serhiy Pashchuk and baritone Petro Pryimak will perform works by V. A. Mozart, G. Verdi, G. Rossini, G. Donizetti, J. Massenet, U. Giordano, Sh. Gounod, K. Saint-Saens, S. Gulak-Artemovskyi, M. Lysenko, Y. Stepovoy, Y. Meitus, M. Skoryk, A. Kos-Anatolskyi, N. Boevai. Ticket price: UAH 70-400.
June 16 at 1:00 p.m. Ukrainian Film Music Festival The symphony orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, conducted by Antony Kedrovsky, will perform music by Ukrainian composers for domestic films. The concert will feature music from films of different years with different approaches ("Shevchenko" by Borys Lyatoshynskyi and "Povodyr" by Alla Zagaykevich), as well as a classic piece by film composer Svyatoslav Krutykov, who did not miss the influence of cinema on his work. Ticket price: UAH 70-400. June 16 at 7:00 p.m. "American Express" The Kyiv Chamber Orchestra's concert offers a vivid immersion into the world of American modernist music of the first half of the 20th century. Listeners will be treated to a journey from the energy and dreaminess of Copland's Clarinet Concerto (soloist Oleg Moroz), through the calm and sublimity of his own "Spring in the Appalachians", where he is inspired by the life of Americans living near these mountains, and to the restrained sorrow of Adagio Barbera, whose work " Adagio for the sick" was performed in connection with the death of such prominent personalities as Franklin Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, John Kennedy, etc. Ticket price: UAH 70-400. June 17 at 7:00 p.m. Ukrainians in America. George Gershwin The series of concerts is dedicated to outstanding musicians who are of Ukrainian origin, worked in the United States of America and became known for their work throughout the world. The outstanding American composer George Gershwin (born Yakiv Gershovich), whose parents emigrated from Odessa to New York, worked on the border between jazz and classical music and gained enormous popularity from the beginning of his composing career at the age of 18. Since then, Gershwin's music still enchants listeners with its springy rhythm, expressive melodies and sweet harmonies. The National Wind Orchestra conducted by Ivan Stetskyi will perform the composer's hits: Symphonic Poem "An American in Paris" (1928), Second Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra, Fantasia on Themes from the Opera "Porgy and Bess", Rhapsody in Blues Style for Piano and Orchestra . Ticket price: UAH 100-500.
June 25 at 19:00 "Lyatoshinsky. Presentation" The concert is dedicated to a unique event for modern Ukrainian classical music. The French publishing house Billaudot, in cooperation with the Lyatoshynskyi Foundation, published a number of chamber-instrumental works and the Slavonic Concerto for piano and orchestra by one of the most famous Ukrainian composers of the 20th century, Borys Lyatoshynskyi (1895–1968). Leading Ukrainian performers will present their original view of the newly published sheet music: soloists and chamber players Andriy Pavlov, violin; Valentina Bugrak, viola; Artem Poludenny, cello; Maxim Shadko, piano; Tatyana Gomon, piano and the National Presidential Orchestra conducted by Maksym Husak. Ticket price: UAH 80-400. Address of the Philharmonic: Volodymyrsky Uzviz, 2


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