Kyiv earned 21 billions usd on EURO 2012

Over the period that EURO 2012 was held businesses in the nation’s capital got richer by  usd 21 billions, Chair of the Kyiv State Tax Service Iryna Nosacheva stated at a recent meeting of local business representatives, according to Kyiv Weekly. She said the incomes of entrepreneurs grew by more than 20% thanks to the holding of the football championship. From  usd 17 billions in Q1 2012 their incomes grew to grew to reach  21 billions usd in Q2. “Accordingly, it is forecast that tax proceeds to the budget will increase,” Nosacheva said.
Meanwhile, during EURO 2012 the proceeds of businesses operating on a simplified tax regime grew: in Q2 physical entities-entrepreneurs declared usd 15 mn in flat-rate taxes, which is three times the figure in the first quarter of 2012. Legal entities over this period declared 70% or usd 3 mn more.
Also, compared to last year over the 6 months of 2012 the number of licenses giving businesses the right to engage in the retail sale of beverages and tobacco products increased by 280 to a total of 4,800, the Kyiv Weekly wrote this week.


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