Sword of Svyatoslav the Brave

Discovered last year in the river Dnipr medieval sword after restoration presented at the National Museum of History. Some historians believe it is sword of Svyatoslav the Brave - Father of Vladimir the Baptist (Vladimir the Great) - and offer to make a national shrine.
The sword from 22-meters depth fished ordinary fisherman in Zaporizhzhya.The Sword hilt inlaid with copper and silver.
There is a Latin inscription "Ulfberh"  on the sword - the workshop in the Upper Rhine.
The restorer says - this is not the first Norman sword found near Khortytsya. 80 years ago, by the construction DnieproGES   found five more. But they are much simpler.
Unique weapons coincidence place of occurrence of the approximate location of the place of death of Kiev prince Svyatoslav Igorovych and finding these swords inclines historians to believe that this sword is a witness and a direct participant in the latest clashes Kiev prince Svyatoslav  Igorovych against Pechenegs at 972.
Some scientist believe that the sword belonged to Prince Svyatoslav, nicknamed the Brave.
According to historical records, Svyatoslav was returning from the Greece, who conquered and took tribute not gold but weapons. Most valuable sword went to Prince. 
"We have to give it  the status of national sanctuary - said academician Andrei Avdeenko. - In Poland, on the sword-kladentsi, which is 350 years younger, take the oath. "
Historians emphasize - prince sword for 300 years older than the Russian relic  - Monomakh's cap. And they say symbolic that sword rose up from the river in independent Ukraine.  Svyatoslav used to consolidate all Ukrainian lands, who passed with a sword from the Caucasus to Bulgaria.
The sword is 94 inches long and about one kilogram of weight - weapons were found at the bottom of the Dniper near Khortytsya 7 November 2012.


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