Scythian gold back in Ukraine from Amsterdam's allard pierson museum

Ukrainian  Scythian gold from the Crimean collection which longtime remained in Amsterdam Allard Pierson museum because of the occupation of Crimea by Russia, has exposed in the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
The Amsterdam's Allard Pierson Museum returned  to Kyiv  all exhibits that provided for an exhibition as part of a joint project with the Crimean museums "Crimea - golden island in the Black Sea".
Scythian gold helmet, gold Scythian sword and scabbard to it, and Sarmatians jewelry: jewelry and household items. As the employee of the museum, the insurance value of these items was 11.5 million euros.
The collections consists of over 500 archeological finds, including artifacts from Scythian gold, a ceremonial helmet, precious stones, swords, armor, house ware of the ancient Greeks and Scythians, taken from five Ukrainian museums, including one in Kiev and four in Crimea.
The most valuable items are dating back to the late Scythian and Alanian periods: a Scythian tabernacle roof top in the form of a griffin, a Scythian bronze boiler and horse ornaments, vessels in the form of sheep from the Neusatz necropolis.

The Scythian gold dispute arose when the exhibition from Crimea was sent to the Netherlands. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry sent a note to the Netherlands, asking it to guarantee the return of the exhibits displayed at the Amsterdam exhibition to Ukraine. But after the Crimea rejoined with Russia, the Russian authorities ask to return the exhibition back to Crimea.


  1. i think this is beatfull blah,blah,blah,blah,blah...


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