Uefa prohibits Crimean clubs to play in Russia.

With regards to the situation in Crimea, and following on from the decision of the UEFA Emergency Panel of 22 August 2014, the UEFA Executive Committee decided to prohibit Crimean clubs to play in competitions organised by the Russian Football Union (RFS) as from 1 January 2015 and for the region to be considered as a “special zone” for football purposes until further notice. Furthermore, the RFS may not organise any football competition in Crimea, without the consent of UEFA and the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU). Under the supervision of UEFA Executive Committee member, Mr František Laurinec, UEFA will also fund the development of football in Crimea, especially for youth and football infrastructure initiatives, with the precise funding to be determined at a future UEFA Executive Committee meeting. This solution brings the situation in line with the statutes of both UEFA and FIFA and aims at ensuring that football can be played and developed in Crimea.



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