List of old and new names of streets Kiev.
Kyiv community began to rename of 122 streets. Three names have returned their historical names , another 23 streets can be renamed if a decision will be made at public discussions. Map of renamed streets in Kyiv. List of old and new names of streets Kiev: New name - Old name Azerbaydzhanska - Vul. Bakіnskih komіsarіv Allie Gorskoї - Czeslaw Bєlіnskogo Anatolіya Lupinos - Vul.- Gorky (Solom'yansky district) Antonovich -Vul. - Gorky ARSENALNY Square. - Geroїv Arsenal Baggovutіvska - Vul. Budonnogo Marshal Bіlokur Katerini - Vul. Bosch Evgenіi Braychevskogo Michael - Vul. Metalworkers Brovarsky Avenue. - 60 rіchchya Zhovtnya Tabloid-Kudryavska - Vul. Vorovskogo Butishіv province. - vul. Іvanova Andrіya Vavіlovih - Vul. Vavіlova Vasilenko Mykoly - Vul. Vatchenko Vvedenska - Vul. Ratmanskogo Great Vasilkіvska - Vul. Chervonoarm...
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