All surnames daughters of Putin.

On the official website, the Moscow State University indicated that from 2006 to 2011 in the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine (FFM) actually studied student Maria Vladimirovna Vorontsova. First students know her as a daughter of a secret missile designer. Then there was a rumor that she was the daughter of a wealthy general. Now it is known that this is Maria Putin.

Judging by the photos on the Internet, the general's "daughter" has very good life of a very wealthy woman: a lot of traveling around the world, expensive yachts and hiring overseas teachers.

Her former classmate posted on the Internet dozens of photographs taken in the classrooms and at student parties.

Former students of Maria Putin shared more photos.

In February 2013 the official visit of the French President Francois Hollande in Russia during which were signed a package of documents about the cooperation. Particularly - the "Memorandum of Intent between the State Organization" Enz "and JSC" Sanofi-aventis Group " to conduct extensive research to identify of diabetes in the population."

The document  was signed in the presence of the two presidents, a supervisor of graduate student Vorontsova - Putin, Academician Dedov and the general director of "Sanofi Russia" Patrick Aghanian.
 Endocrinology Research Center

The president's eldest daughter is married to a Dutch businessman Joost Yorrit Faassen and has now his name Faassen.
In Moscow Faassen, who in 2004 graduated from the University in the Netherlands and has got his first degree in the field of a construction business, come on April 15th, 2006 "with the purpose of employment in OAO" Gazprom ". In OAO "Gazprom" he began  work in 2007 in the position of "Director of Business Development" - wrote Faassen. By this time, he already knew  Maria Putina and this  probably  explains how he has got the job in "Gazprom". The Last of the known to us job of Yorrit Faassen - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the consulting company "MEF Audit".
For the first time, the general public learned about a man by the name of Faassen November 14, 2010, when on Rublevo-Uspensky highway he was severely beaten by guards banker Matthew Urine (as amended by a copy of the testimony of the victim). In the future, all the attackers the Dutchman were put in prison and  three banks of Urine lost their banking license. Moreover, the prosecutor's office appealed the decision and demanded to increase prison sentences term. According to the accounts of employees' MEF Audit ", the Dutch moved in a jeep with a flashing light and accompanied by a bodyguard of FSO.
About this time according to the videos posted on the network, there have been important events: she gave birth to a daughter and became a candidate of medical sciences Maria Faassen.
Regarding the interests of Maria Vladimirovna, she a fan of the films "The Matrix", "dune", "Chocolate", the British TV show "Little Britain"  and in the list of favorite authors - Hermann Hesse, Aldous Huxley and "Memoirs of a Geisha "Arthur Golden.

Putin's younger daughter Ekaterina and her husband Kirill Shamalov

Mother of Maria and Ekaterina - Ludmila with her new husband Arthur Ocheretny.

Thanks to the journalists of The New Times.


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