Days of Kazimir Malevich in Kyiv

Days of Kazimir Malevich in Kyiv. 

The capital will host a series of events dedicated to our fellow countryman and artist Kazimir Malevich
Kazimir Malevich is one of the most famous Ukrainians in the world.  Born in Kiev, he lived a long time, and worked as an artist, in fact, was formed here. Afterwards his innovative ideas and concepts have changed fundamentally in the art world.
The paradox, but the work of Malevich  is not so well known in his homeland Ukraine.
To return the outstanding genius in the mental space of the capital and open his work to the Ukrainians, from 9 to June 11 in Kiev will host the Days of Malevich.
During which the capital life will be full of discussions, public lectures, art exhibitions, performances, film screenings, theater performances, concerts and other cultural events

Schedule of events:
the 9th of June
10-11.00, Ukrainian Crisis Media Center - Press conference in Kiev Malevich.

18.30-20.00, Kyiv-Mohyla Business School - a roundtable Malevich: Ukrainian dimension and a global perspective.
 18.30-20.00, place to be confirmed - the round table The new paradigm: the influence of Malevich's art world.

June 10th
18.30-20.00, IZONE - roundtable City Malevich Malevich and place in it.

19.00-20.30, FEDORIV Hub - public discussion Branding of the country: history, design, future.

21.00, Art Arsenal - the opening Nicholas Matsenko exhibition titled: in each house should have one  square.

June 11
11.00 Str. Kostelnaya 17 - excursion to of Kyiv square of Malevich.


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