Ukraine dominates the market of freelancing IT-in Eastern Europe

For the first time in three years Ukraine again become market leader in IT-Freelance in Eastern Europe.
Ukraine increased its 7% market share and with a noticeable margin ahead of the nearest competitor - Russia, preserving the value of time rates of pay (Rd). However, they are still significantly lower than freelancers from Russia and Poland.
Poland, Belarus and Bulgaria reduced its market share significantly in losing Rd (at 9.12%). The rate of increase in the share of significantly slowed. However Rd Russian and Polish IT-freelancers (up to $ 25 per hour) is still significantly higher than in Ukrainian (less than $ 20 per hour).
The most common specialty among developers in freelance - HTML + CSS, second only PHP, and JavaScript - the third.
Most contracts (almost half) market of freelancing IT-in Eastern Europe comes from the US. About 15% of the projects comes from the UK, and in third place on demand - Australia.
It is noteworthy that among its customers the most generous - from Sweden, which accounts for less than 2% of all projects. The Swedes are willing to pay for freelance programmers to more than $ 23 per hour. Americans - just over $ 20, and most avaricious - Israel ($ 16-17 per hour).
Customers from the United States and Europe significantly (by 7-13%) reduced hourly rate. Most of the orders on the market Freelance Programming Eastern Europe (70% in Poland to 90% in Serbia) are in the amount of up to $ 1000.
In the five universities that supply the market most freelance developers, three Ukrainian: KPI, KNURE and Lviv Polytechnic.

In the top 5 cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya, Moscow and Minsk


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