In Ukraine has started to cryptofund Vanhealthing biotek- and blokchain projects

Since the end of 2017 in Ukraine there is a new Cryptofund  called Vanhealthing Cryptofund of biotech innovations. The Fund is interested in projects in the field of biotechnology and block-chain - both existing and under development.
This is a project of several organizations, including the venture fund USP Capital, Planexta and Sikorsky Challenge.
According to the partner of the Yaroslav Kologrivov Foundation, the crypto fund differs from traditional private investment funds primarily by collecting funds through the ICO.
By and large, this is no different from holding an IPO, our fund is preparing to agree with the regulator of the procedure for issuing security tokens. we plan to pay dividends to the holders of the tokens ... The main reason why there are so few biotech funds in the world: a large amount of necessary investments and a long period of project implementation. And ICO allows to solve this problem: to collect a large amount of the fund and provide liquidity, Yaroslav said. 
If an investor purchases a token that is traded on crypto-exchange, he can sell it at any time and exit the project, but on condition that there are demand for tokens.

The fund plans to hold an ICO, during which the partners want to attract at least $ 30 million. Now the size of the fund is several million dollars.


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