A group of archaeologists National Reserve "Sophia of Kyiv" at a depth of 2.5 - 3 meters have been found layering from X-XIX centuries. 
The oldest find was a bronze rod-shaped pin from a female burial place of the 10th century.
This burial appeared on this place even before the construction of the cathedral. Also double-sided pendant lead seal.

This seal was used by members of the high-ranking clergy of the times of Kievan Rus to fasten documents.
On one side is depicted the face of St. George, who was the heavenly patron of Yaroslav the Wise
It should be noted that were also discovered the coins of the Kings - Sigismund III and Jan II Casimir. 

Also, not only metal products were discovered, but also fragments of ceramic dishes and glassware of different life periods. All the finds and artifacts are stored in the museum, which is located on the territory of "Sofia Kievskaya". 


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