Valentyn Badrak told about the details of a long-term large-scale project to modernize Ethiopia's air defense system with reference to Defense Express. According to him, in addition to the actual "iron" contract provided for the development of research and development work (R&D). In the modernization of seven anti-aircraft missile systems S-125 "Pechora" to the level of S-125ME-2 ("Tana"), both public (DKKB "LUCH") and private ("Radionix" and "Ramsay") took part together. ) enterprises. If the Soviet version of the Pechora complex has a maximum range of 17.8 km, then after the upgrade by Ukrainian gunsmiths, this figure increased to 45 km. Modernization of 5B27D missiles from Ukrainian companies for S-125 SAM In addition, thanks to the installation of active homing warheads (ARGSN) on missiles, developed by Radionics, it was possible to reach the characteristics of the Buk family of SAMs. At the same time, the...
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