Best photos and songs during Euromaidan

On 21 of  November 2013 the first ten who care gathered on the Square. People began to organize themselves through social networks. At midnight on Independence there were already 1.5 thousand. Organizers of the protest called to take with warm clothes, food and umbrellas.

Eighth day on Independence Square of Ukrainian Euromaidan. At night Berkut attacks students, leading to a new, more active phase Euromaidan.

On Hrushevskogo street activists arranged smokescreen from the security forces set on fire with tires.
Thanks wind was always on the side of activists.
To stew burning tires, the security forces used water cannons. Outdoors was frost -8 C.

And the most famose songs:

Warriors of Light, by Lyapis Trubetskoy

Pline Kacha by Pikkardiyska Tertsiya.


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