Lovie Award has got video from Ukraine.

In London, the ceremony of awarding the winners of the prestigious international competition Lovie Awards.
In the present's digital world, one camera in the right hand can be more powerful than a nuclear submarine. Lying Russian media can not be overcome by guns or tanks. I hope that our journalistic work on the information front will help people to live in peace and love in the independent Ukraine ", - said Dubchak at the awards ceremony.
The best jury found the video that he took off with the "Christmas tree" on the Maidan during the national the veche on December 8th. Video received the most votes of Internet users in the category Events & Live Broadcasts, and a third of the jury - as one of the best movies of the European network.
For videos voted more than 40 thousand people from 30 European countries.
Video for "Christmas tree" showed ABC News, CBN News, CNN, websites NewYork Times, Washington Post, the foreign media.


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