Kyiv plans to build a sports complex with an ice arena and a swimming pool

The authorities of Kiev plans to build a multifunctional sports complex with an ice arena and a pool on the street. Trostyanetskaya, 60 in the Darnytsky district of the capital.

The facility will be located on the territory of Partisan Glory Park. Construction of the sports complex is foreseen by the approved commission of the Kyiv City Council on budget and  economic development of the city target program "Youth and Sports of the capital" for 2019-2021 years.

According to the document, it is also planned to build a ski runway for biathlon on the street in Kiev. Yagoda, 2. It is also proposed to reconstruct the sports complexes "Stadium" Start "," Rusanovets ", track and field arena on the street in the next three years. Tychyna, 18 and the stadium on the street. Alma-Atynskaya, 60. 


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