Glovo buys

 Glovo buys

In 2020, the revenue of amounted to $ 85 million, the plan for 2021 is $ 128 million. Such companies buy at a price of 0.5-1 revenue. In Ukraine, due to the peculiarities of the market, it is the first option that is more often in effect - 0.5 of the proceeds. Also, such companies buy on the principle of calculating revenue "one specific month * 12". Based on this, as well as the fact that the company continues to grow by tens of percent annually, the estimate of can be from $ 60 million to $ 80 million.

For Glovo, the purchase of is a great chance to strengthen and quickly scale its business. The company is developing delivery in Ukraine, and also began to open dark stores. Now Glovo takes the leading position in delivery from restaurants, while, according to their own assurances, is the leader in the delivery from supermarkets market. The deal will help Glovo accumulate all the strengths within a single brand.

opening dark stores is long and expensive. The deal will allow Glovo to quickly get a company that will be able to deliver goods not from warehouses, of which hundreds are needed for large cities (and the time to create them), but from existing supermarkets and actually use existing developments. One of the market insiders admits that in terms of delivery from restaurants and shops, a monopolist will appear on the market, which will be very difficult, if not impossible, to defeat.

Glovo has $ 1.2 billion of attracted investments. The company closed its last round of $ 500 + million this year. In their interviews, representatives of the company have repeatedly pointed out that for them Ukraine is a large and important market, so they are ready to invest a lot in strengthening their positions in it.

Recall that during its existence, the service has attracted about $ 9 million in investments, the latter - by 5 million euros in 2020. The leading investor was the current shareholder of, Chernovetskyi Investment Group (CIG). Previously, it was CIG that invested $ 2.4 million back in 2014, we wrote about the deal in detail in this material. The CIG representatives themselves say that they have invested more than $ 10 million in the company. The company was founded in 2010 and now employs several hundred people. 


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