Cannabis, its resin, extracts, and tinctures are no longer considered particularly dangerous substances in Ukraine


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine reformed the list of controlled substances, excluding cannabis and its derivatives from it, a step towards the legalization of cannabis in the country. Source:

Ukraine has reorganized its legislation on controlled substances. According to recent changes, the government removed cannabis, its resin, as well as extracts and tinctures from the list of particularly dangerous substances. The specified changes took place against the background of preparations for the activation of the law allowing the use of cannabis for medical purposes, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on December 21, 2023. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive component, has also been reclassified. It no longer belongs to the list of particularly dangerous psychotropic substances, from now on its circulation will be limited, and not completely prohibited. The conditions for the cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes have also undergone changes. The law allows the use of seeds grown from plant varieties with a THC content of no more than 0.2%. From February 16, 2027, the THC content in dry straw should not exceed 0.3%. This draft law, supported by 248 deputies and signed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi on February 15 this year, will enter into force on August 16. This opens up opportunities for medical, scientific and industrial uses of cannabis, but continues to criminalize its recreational use.


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