Inna Shevchenko, the same girl who was recently granted political asylum in France for felling a 13-foot high Christian cross in Kyiv, is the most recent hero among the French, appearing as she does on their newest national postage stamp as a symbol of the French Revolution. Each new President of France chooses a stamp with the new Marianna, the bare-breasted heroine of the French Revolution, on the Day of Revolution. This year, out of 15 final works, Francois Hollande opted on the version that most resembled Femen’s Inna Shevchenko. The student artist who created the work admits Inna was his inspiration for the stamp, embodying as she does the values of the French Revolution – freedom, equality, and fraternity. Shevchenko seemed honoured at being the newest face on France’s official stamp for the next five years, saying, “Now all homophobes, extremists, fascists will have to lick my ass when they want to send a letter.” Ah yes, classy.