For the first time in Ukraine, a programmer was sentenced to a real term for professional activity. He stole an almost finished order

 In the Odessa Court of Appeal, programmer Alexander Petrov was sentenced to three years in prison under an article on unlawful interference with computers.

According to "Dumskaya", this is the first time in Ukraine when a programmer was sentenced to a real term in connection with his professional activities.
The essence of the crime

In a comment to the Dumskaya portal, Valery Sudakov, the victim's lawyer, spoke about the essence of the claims against Alexander Petrov.

In 2011, Visum Service AS commissioned another Norwegian company, Cloud Consulting AS, to create a specialized website that allows online visas to be purchased, authenticated documents, and so on.

The work was estimated at 300,000 euros. Cloud Consulting AS found a subcontractor in Ukraine - the European High Technologies Agency. The product development group is headed by Alexander Petrov.

When the site was 95% ready, the customer decided that 300,000 was a lot, and turned directly to Petrov with a proposal to complete the work on his own, and then remove the program code from the servers of the corporate network "EABT" and Cloud Consulting AS.

As noted by "Dumskaya", Petrov fulfilled the order of the customers and quit his company, but was detained. Law enforcement officers found that by his actions he caused damage to the employer and contractor in the amount of UAH 4.5 million.
The case was considered for eight years

Initially, the verdict to Alexander Petrov was passed on May 8, 2018 in the Primorsky District Court of Odessa, where he was convicted under Part 2 of Art. 361 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for unauthorized interference in the operation of electronic computers (computers), automated systems, computer networks or telecommunication networks.

The first instance sentenced the Odessa citizen to three years in prison, while freeing him from punishment with a one-year probationary period.

But the aggrieved party, which appealed, did not agree with this decision. The appeal, having satisfied the complaint of the representative of the injured party, made the punishment real - without applying Article 75 of the Criminal Code. The defendant was taken into custody in the courtroom.

    "The accused did not show sincere remorse, did not plead guilty, did not even partially compensate for the damage, did not contribute to solving the crime, but on the contrary, in every possible way delayed the trial, which excludes the use of Article 75 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine," the verdict of the Odessa Court of Appeal says.

The customer company was not brought to justice. As the lawyer of the victims added, the case materials will soon be transferred to the Kingdom of Norway. There, local law enforcement officers and courts will give a legal assessment.


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