Motor Sich will repair aircraft engines for UAH 274 million

Motor Sich will repair aircraft engines for UAH 274 million

Motor Sich will repair engines for Ruslan for $ 9,600,000, as well as engines for NMU and VSU helicopters for UAH 14 million. Relevant tenders were placed on the ProZorro public procurement platform.

with reference to "Wings".

From July 9 to 14, the company signed contracts with a number of Ukrainian state customers for the repair of various types of engines for a total of $ 9.6 million and 14 million hryvnias. Thus, on July 14, the State Aviation Enterprise "Ukraine" ordered from "Motor Sich" services for the repair of two aircraft engines for Mi-8 helicopters in the amount of 2,469,504 hryvnias. The engine for the Mi-8 National Guard and the engine of the naval helicopter of the Ukrainian Navy will also be repaired. Customers will receive refurbished engines in December this year.

Four Antonov D-18T aircraft engines used on An-124-100 Ruslan transport aircraft will be repaired for Antonov. The renovation will cost $ 9.6 million and will be completed by the end of next year.


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