Cargo transportation by Dnipro increased by 50.6%

During January - March, 1.1 million tons of cargo were transported along the Dnipro River, which is 50.6% more than in the first three months of last year.

Transmits the Association "Rivers of Ukraine".

In the first quarter of 2020, 440 thousand tons of grain (+13.2%), construction materials and other cargoes - 589 thousand tons (+ 100%) were transported across the Dnieper. 61 thousand tons (-22,7%) were transported of metal products. During this time, 1050 ships were recorded.

Positive dynamics of transportation was facilitated by the opening of navigation on the Dnieper. The opening of navigation at the Kakhovsky Gateway took place already on March 6, on March 15 - at the Zaporozhye District of hydraulic structures, on March 19 - at the Kremenchug Gateway, on March 25 - at the Dneprodzerzhinsk, on March 30, navigation was opened at the Kiev Gateway.


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