Ancient bridges of the XIX century were discovered underground in the Dnipro

 Ancient bridges of the XIX century were discovered underground in the Dnieper

 In the Dnipro, according to archaeologists, under the city avenues preserved ancient bridges of the XIX century with reference to the CTS.

It is noted that the oldest bridge of the Dnieper is the railway-automobile Amur bridge, which is 137 years old.

But at the same time, in the heart of the city survived several bridges - much older, which in the middle of the XIX century were built across the Ekaterinoslav (until 1796 and from 1802 to 1926 the Dnieper was called Ekaterinoslav, from 1796 to 1802 - Novorossiysk, and from 1926 to 2016 - Dnepropetrovsk) rivers Zhabokryach and Polovitsa.

Most of these bridges have survived to our time. Only now are they underground and have become part of the city's stormwater system.

It is reported that the central part of the then Ekaterinoslav, crossed by several small rivers, across these rivers, at the intersection with some streets, brick bridges were built.

Eventually, the city's buildings were compacted, and small rivers between the bridges began to be covered with brick vaults and covered with soil, and built on top.

Thus, the bridges "went underground" and the rivers became a city collector. Today, these bridges are multi-storey modern buildings.




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