How to choose a blood pressure monitor for children and adults?
There is a tonometer, perhaps, in any family. This does not depend on the presence of elderly people in it or those who suffer from hypertensive diseases. High as well as low pressure must be stabilized. But in order to take any measures, to take certain medications, you need to understand what exactly you have to fight with. Therefore, the measurement of pressure has long become something familiar and commonplace, and the tonometer is present in the home first-aid kit along with a thermometer, adhesive plaster and headache pills.
Due to the large assortment of these measuring devices in pharmacies, many are lost when faced with a difficult choice. Which tonometer guarantees the most accurate readings and is easy to use, is the tonometer for children different from the tonometer for adults, should I choose a mechanical or automatic meter?
Tonometers are
Mechanical blood pressure monitors are the most accurate, but you need to know how to use them. The device consists of a special cuff worn on the forearm, a pressure gauge, a rubber bulb and a phonendoscope. They are often used in medical institutions, since a number of nuances must be taken into account in order to obtain correct results. At home, every year they are less and less common - it is not very convenient to measure pressure with their help on their own. Therefore, preference is given to more modern models.
In semi-automatic tonometers, the pressure gauge is replaced by a display on which pressure readings are displayed. They also involve using a bulb to inflate air, which requires some effort and can be difficult for an elderly or weakened person.
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